Wow. A lot of cool stuff happened in 2023. A LOT. And here I thought I had a good 2022, what with creating the best selling game (Bad Writer) and getting Skinless Man Counts to Five published, and then on the Stoker Recommended Reading List for that year.

So let’s see what happened!

I released a game called Canldebook Island, that got some good reviews and press. A game where I turned my publisher and writer friends into monsters, as well as family members. That was fun.

I sold a two book deal to Underland! Cancer Eats the Heart (Oct. 2024, horror novel), and Skinless Man Counts to Five and other tales of the macabre (March 2024, horror short story collection).

Underland published my novel Glass House, which got some really great reviews, sold out at my local bookstore twice (where I did the book launch), and was blurbed by writers I *really* love and respect.

Also, look at that cover! What a fantastic cover. People still come up to me asking me to sign their copy, or want to talk about the plot, or if there’s going to be a sequel. Telling me how much they enjoyed it. I even get emails that basically say “WOW!” i/r/t that novel. All things that have never really happened before, and I’m loving it!

I was a guest on the If this Goes On (Don’t Panic!) podcast. Really great conversation! We talked about horror, Glass House, and some of other novels and short stories. I was also a guest on Brad Proctor’s 31 Days of Horror, for the launch of Glass House.

I started a new horror-themed podcast called Fear is the Fire that Lights the Heart. That one is a lot of fun, and hopefully I’ll have the next episode up today, before the new year closes out.

I got my picture in Locus Magazine! That one is a huge deal to me. I subscribe off and on through the years (when I have money!), so to see myself, in those great pages, surrounded by other authors I admire? Wow.

I had enough pro-level sales to join the HWA, so I did! That’s a wild ride.

I got two short stories published in two fantastic anthologies. Cozy Cosmic has my short story The Museum of Endless Summer. A cosmic horror story about a girl growing up in a mermaid museum, with a mom who walked into the sea to never return, and her dad searching for a way to bring the mother back. And Soul Jar published my far-future disabled anti-war mecha story, The Last Dryad. That’s another story (much like Skinless Man) that readers send me emails about, telling me how much they loved it.

And that’s it for 2023! WOW. I would say 2024 has a lot to love up to, but I have two books coming out, which means two more book launches (wheeee), and I might also be going to World Fantasy in October next year. That’s not to mention a planned book tour idea through Upstate New York, Pennsylvania, and then the Cleveland area of Ohio.

So, Happy New Year! And good luck on your year going forward. I hope your 2023 was good as well, and we can all celebrate.

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