So yes, I got a new writing toy. Well, tool, yes, a tool, maybe. Anyway, I’ve been eyeing something like the Freewrite Alpha for about a decade now. I tried building something similar with a raspberry pi, but it didn’t really end up working like I wanted it to. I thought about the main Freewrite… Read More

Guess what dropped earlier in the day! My second podcast for the day- this one with Shaggy’s House Of Horrors! This one was a lot of fun, we talk about so much stuff. Esp my short story collection Skinless Man Counts to Five, and my next two novels, as well as awesome horror movies. They’re… Read More

Hey all you cool people in the haunted family we call horror! Here is the first solo podcast I did for the If This Goes On (Don’t Panic!) podcast, all about Hope in Horror. I’m going to be doing quite a few of these things, and I’m super excited for you guys to hear it.… Read More

On of my favorite things in horror is when you have loosely themed trilogies that aren’t direct trilogies. More common in movies, there are a few in books (Peter Straub’s Blue Rose Trilogy comes to mind), and of course I aim to change that with my own horror trilogy novels that are a themed trilogy,… Read More

Some fantastic news! Tonight at 7PM PDT or 10PM EST me and fellow Underland Press Author Elad Haber will be reading from our collection short story collections, as a part of Story Hour. It will be streamed on Facebook. Come on in, check it out, and hear as we both read some of our best… Read More

For Independent Bookstore Day, me and a bunch of other local authors are going to be at Werner Books signing books and hanging out and talking with people. Stop on by! Support your local bookstore! Hang out, have some coffee, chat for a bit, grab your new favorite book.… Read More

Check it out! I have a crazy sword and planet short story at StarShipSofa. It’s called the Glorious Tunnels of Our Gravity Dragons. It’s got wyrmholes made by gravity dragons, twin sisters who are hunting and closing illegal portals, and a psychotic princess of mars (with her pet bear, Mister Buttons). Enjoy!… Read More

Ah, what a fine day for a horror book birthday! Cloudy grey and overcast, fog lapping through the streets in waves. Do you hear that? That screaming in the dark? Why it’s here, it’s alive! My horror short story collection The Skinless Man Counts to Five and other tales of the macabre look at how… Read More