Short Stories
The Skinless Man Counts to Five
Detectives are trying to find a serial killer on a generation ship, all while reality unwinds around them.
The Glorious Tunnels of Our Gravity Dragons at Starship Sofa
In a surrealpunk future, two wyrmhole hunters end up fighting the real Princes of Mars, and her pet bear, Mister Buttons.
Light Like Knives Dragged Across the Skin
A collectible card game where you recreate yourself based on the cards in play. It always ends in murder.
Fingerbones Hung like Mobiles at Psuedopod
These woods are filled with spirits. Not spirits of the dead, older spirits.
Ghost Technology from the Sun at Apex Magazine
A little girl in a spiritualist commune begins to question the master and what his real plans entail.
Last Stand of the Antmaker at Apex Magazine
Toby likes lists and making detailed dioramas of ants. He doesn’t like all of the plants that are growing and taking over his world.
A Word Without Ghosts at Psychopomp (originally Fantasy Magazine)
Wendy is out looking for her brother, and instead finds a bear.
The Adventures of Petal, the Paperdoll Pirate at Psychopomp (originally Fantasy Magazine)
The sun is a candle and the sea is watercolor
The Secret in the House of Smiles at Clarkesworld Magazine
Alice is a quantum vampire hunter
The Alchemy of War at Electric Velocipede
War comes to Silas Bay
Non Fiction
Someone Changed the Bones in Our Homes at Nightmare Magazine
What is weird fiction, really?
The Melancholy Beauty of Terror at Nightmare Magazine
What is horror, really?
A Wave on the Sea: In Memory of Ursula K. Le Guin, at Apex Magazine
A memorial of one of our greatest writers, published on the eve of her death
Boy A Girl A Slenderman: The Children Who Played at Slaughtering at Apex Magazine
Musings on children who murder other children
My articles on writing, careers, and etc at SFWA
Writing to the Shadows
Surviving Times of Stagnation
Post Novel Blues
What Makes the Monstrous
Analog Writing in the Digital World
Rebound Novels
Sketching a Story