Of course, first and foremost! The spookiest of the spooky is my latest novel from Underland, Glass House

Glass House
Visit the publisher’s page for Glass House Buy a copy of Glass House Meet the family Glass. They just bought a new home, and are about to embark on a terrifying new stage in their life. Meet Lucas Glass, their father. He’s obsessed with the Sunshine Family—a psychedelic rock band from another era that famously devolved into a suicide cult. This is their house, complete with a family crypt. Meet Dana Glass, their mother and Lucas’s wife. She is fascinated with the house, in a way that is far more passionate—more intimate—than she’s ever been, even with her husband. Meet… Read More
And with that out of the way, here are some short stories of mine that are online that I think will give you thrills and chills.

The H Word: Someone Changed the Bones in Our Homes – Nightmare Magazine
I may be agnostic now, but I was raised in the Catholic Church. A childhood that was haunted by the smell of burnt candle wax and images of torture as objects of reverie. It was here that I was told about the most terrifying thing my young child mind would ever experience: what the church called tra…

PseudoPod 41: Fingerbones Hung Like Mobiles
These woods are filled with spirits,” she said, “Not like the spirits of the dead. Older spirits. My grandma told me about them. She said that once these spirits used to help people…

PseudoPod 29: Light Like Knives Dragged Across the Skin
Saw grinned. “Well, come on chicken shits, let’s keep the game going. We can’t call it quits now, we are all defined by our cards in play. So smack that shit down and let’s get going.” Saw got off on…

Tales To Terrify No 134 Paul Jessup – Tales to Terrify
Coming Up:nGood Evening: 00:38nM. N. Tarrint’s The Fire Pit: 03:18nPaul Jessup’s Glass Coffin Girls: 16:27nPleasant Dreams: 46:21nPertinent Links:nDuffy Books in Homes: http://www.booksinhomes.org.nz/Home.aspxnPaper Road Press’s page for “Baby Teeth: Bite Sized Tales of Terror”nM. N. Tarrint: http:/…

Tales to Terrify No 43 Paul Jessup and Paisley Rekdal – Tales to Terrify
Coming up:nGood evening 0:00:43nTelling Tales 0:02:00nPoetry: Bats by Paisley Rekdal 0:13:49nRead by Tycelia SantoronFiction: The Secret in the House of Smiles by Paul Jessop 0:17:26nRead by Jacob BorisnPleasant dreams 0:46:18nTales To Terrify Volume 1 OUT NOW!

The Skinless Man Counts to Five by Paul Jessup
The second body was much like the first. He was tied to the branches upside down, with his head pointed to the ground. He was missing some teeth and an eye and a finger. And, just like the first one, he’d had a ghostdrive placed in his stomach, and a speaker in his throat.

Ghost Technology from the Sun – Apex Magazine
Master told us that the earth was hollow, and that we lived on the inside of it, clinging to the top of the crust. Below us was another world, a world inside the world, a glowing bright sun of a place. What Master called the summerlands.

The Last Stand of the Ant Maker – Apex Magazine
When Benjamin was a little boy he painted things. Mostly small things. Like tiny houses. Or dinosaur kits. Or invisible men. He liked using the small brushes. Painting tiny, intricate details.

The H Word: The Melancholy Beauty of Terror – Nightmare Magazine
For the longest time, I’d searched for a proper definition of horror. That whole, “defined by emotional response” never sat well for me, and felt lacking as a descriptor. Mostly because people think that emotion should be fear or fright, but at the same time the word horror doesn’t automatically mea…